Mexican Taco Salad and a dash of cinnamon

Craving Mexican, but interested in a salad? Perhaps you have leftover Mexican chicken, beef or steak that you want to use in a different way? Try out this Mexican Taco salad. It is low carb, grain free, high in protein and fiber. It’s a great way to get in your vegetables for the day too! Swap out the protein to make it work for your diet. As with all salads, the amounts and ingredients are pretty much up to you. Pick and choose what you want and feel free to add whatever else suits your mood.

Mexican Taco Salad and a dash of cinnamon

So, I realized that I never told you that mushroom story I referred to in a post I wrote up when I was last home. Here’s the post I am referring to which includes a tasty and clean 4 ingredient PB and Jelly Baked Oatmeal recipe. Anyway during my trip home, we found this oddly golden mushroom. It almost looks fake doesn’t it? I immediately, for some reason, thought about Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with the 5 golden tickets, haha. Obviously, the only connection would be the golden part, but why I jumped to that I’m not certain.

golden mushroom from home

Seriously, though. Isn’t that a neat looking mushroom? It literally looked like it was spray painted gold. Crazy. I was very intrigued by this mushroom and I don’t even like mushrooms most of the time. (I’m trying hard, and can occasionally eat one, but in general, they are one of the very few foods that I usually find very…unappealing). My mother often tries to make me eat one when we have them. The conversation usually goes something like:

Me: “EW…GROSS Mom, mushrooms..?”

Her: “Just try one, you’re an adult now, you can eat one.”

Me: “UGH, Mom gross. I can’t.”

Her: “Oh, you big baby, why don’t you like them?”

Me: “We’ve been over this every time you ask me to eat one, I’m not going to keep telling you, but I’ll try one ok just for you mom.”

See how good I am? (Or see how much of a child I still am? Lol). Sometimes I can manage to do it, sometimes not. It’s always a big deal though if I can tolerate it. I should probably demand a prize for doing so, hehe.

I will admit, mushrooms are something that I would one day like to be able to eat without issues. They show up in so many dishes, “adult dishes”. Due to this, I do try them even when mom is not around. In fact, I can usually eat stuffed mushrooms now, actually! But, seriously, there are very, very few foods I don’t like (granted, there are plenty that no longer hold any appeal to me), so I should be able have a few aversions here and there.

#lowcarb taco salad for the win! Click To Tweet

This mushroom, though, was different. I immediately was drawn to it. Probably because it was gold and so cool looking. I’d never seen one like it before. I also was like: “OMG….let’s eat it.” Ha! My dad was immediately like: “Um, no absolutely not.” That was the end of that. Later he looked it up and said that it had psychogenic properties.

[Hmmm….interesting. Maybe. Except things have a different skew when you have a medical background. He used the word muscarinic with the name. You see, everyone has acetylcholine receptors in their body. There are two types of these receptors that have different functions. They are named muscarinic and nicotinic, just in case you were interested.]

I was all like…Well…I don’t have to work for the next couple of days…..But they said no. My brain was too valuable to test how good my dad is at looking up mushroom species if this was indeed such a mushroom. I find it hard to believe, and have never had such a mushroom (obviously, lol) but it looks like we shall never know.

Haha just kidding, I have no intention of trying a mushroom, especially one with the word muscarinic in it. No thanks. “Mad as a hatter” is something that comes to mind and I want no part of it. Plus, the other side effects, well, I’m not sure if this mushroom would be inhibiting or stimulating this receptor, but either way, nope, no thanks.

See? Having a medical background can have some advantages ;). This Mexican taco salad recipe has no crazy mushrooms in it, or psychogenic properties haha. Sorry! However, it is very yummy, so I suggest you give it a try! Feel free to swap out ingredients to make this recipe vegan/vegetarian/ your taste bud preference friendly!

How do you feel about mushrooms?

Do you have any food aversions that you wish you liked?

Mexican Taco Salad and a dash of cinnamon
Mexican Taco Salad {Low carb, grain free}
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1 salad
Mexican Taco Salad and a dash of cinnamon
Mexican Taco Salad {Low carb, grain free}
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1 salad
1 salad
Servings: salad
  1. Slice and dice all ingredients, throw it into a bowl, top with dressing and enjoy! (See notes for some cooking options)
Recipe Notes
  1. I made my salad with a mix of steak and chicken. Feel free to use whatever meat/non-meat protein you prefer. If your's is not cooked yet. Toss with taco seasoning and either bake or grill your meat of choice, slice and top on the salad). If your using non-Mexican, pre-cooked protein, top your salad with your dressing, use a few shakes of taco seasoning and mix your salad up). If your protein is Mexican flavored then just use it to top your salad! You are free to add more taco season as to your taste preferences.
  2. If you have any specific questions regarding protein choice/cooking don't hesitate to ask!
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13 thoughts on “Mexican Taco Salad {Low carb, grain free}

  1. You’ll have to give wild mushrooms a try – very different from the cultivated variety! Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner linky – and don’t forget to leave a comment – if you comment and your post is featured next week, it will also get pinned and tweeted!

    1. Hm…..maybe haha. Actually, if I were offered I would mentally motivate myself to try it, but I don’t think I’d go searching out mushrooms on my own free will at this point. What’s the difference? Why do you think I might like wild ones better?

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