Mexican Taco Salad {Low carb, grain free}
  1. Slice and dice all ingredients, throw it into a bowl, top with dressing and enjoy! (See notes for some cooking options)
Recipe Notes
  1. I made my salad with a mix of steak and chicken. Feel free to use whatever meat/non-meat protein you prefer. If your’s is not cooked yet. Toss with taco seasoning and either bake or grill your meat of choice, slice and top on the salad). If your using non-Mexican, pre-cooked protein, top your salad with your dressing, use a few shakes of taco seasoning and mix your salad up). If your protein is Mexican flavored then just use it to top your salad! You are free to add more taco season as to your taste preferences.
  2. If you have any specific questions regarding protein choice/cooking don’t hesitate to ask!