Looking to get a bunch of vegetables in a one sitting? Look no further than this vegetarian bowl. You get not 1, but 6 different vegetables in one with options to add more if you want to 😉 Need it to be a taco? No problem, just throw it into a clean tortilla of choice and bam…Meatless Monday just became Taco Tuesday. Yep…Just add magician to my list of skills.Veggie packed sweet potato black bean slaw bowl

Tomorrow marks my 1 month launch of the blog. Can you believe it? One on hand I feel like it has been so much longer than that since so much has happened between then and now! Let’s recap some of the progress and struggles and throw in a yummy, veggie packed bowl recipe at the end.

Ok…so you know how I wrote that starting a blog was easy? Well, that is technically true. It was easy enough to get my domain site after  I tried mushing various combinations of words together to get something that sounded at least acceptable in my head (and we already know that I now probably would have called this site something different, but again too late for that!) Besides, I have nothing against cinnamon. In fact, it is HANDS DOWN my favorite spice. I throw a dash (ahem, or a lot more) of it in most recipes. Even in some where you’re like, “Umm..are you sure about this?” I just have to whisper..yesss…just do it. Not creepy-like, or anything, of course. 😉

And I found myself on a tangent…whoops. Ok, so recount= starting= easy, but actually creating the blog itself? When I got to the part about the theme and figuring out how to design it and all that I was like like..


Just breathe, right? (Great way to reduce anxiety, btw).  So, that’s what I did and then decided to delve in. It has been quite the experience, and I’m realizing more and more that I really have no idea what I am doing. Not only that..I have no idea what most things mean? SEO? Optimize? Boxes? Skins? I find myself googling these words and still having no idea..

...and I thought medical jargon was bad.
…and I thought medical jargon was bad.

After I read that sentence from the meme these are the thoughts that crossed my mind:

1. Wait a second, I just read that sentence without batting an eyelash. High five brain.

2. Actually, wait, that’s not a normal sentence. Seeing a bunch of letters strung together and reading it like that is not normal. GOSH, no wonder people think I’m weird.

3. Actually, no wonder people get confused.

4. Then my brain shot into rays of questions. “STAT? Hm, I wonder what the H/H is? FOBT? More HPI would be helpful. They need a PICC? Shoot, they are probably going to need a PT/INR and is IR in right now? AH MAN MRSA?!? THAT MEANS GOWNING UP AND I HATE GOWNING UP etc, etc lol.

5. Then, I was like, um brain, stop it. Stop it right now. This is not an actual case that you have to admit.

Now, if I were a lay person being told this I think my response would be more along the lines of “OK, WTF, IDK…911?” (Hehe, see I can abbreviate too).

Anyway, that picture is more to prove a point. If you are not medical, you may be like “Well ..yep..that just went over my head. I’m confused.” I get that! I also know that many medical people forget that we have this crazy language that many people don’t know. This is why I take the time to make sure people understand what is going on in order to make them more comfortable.

Ok fun fact, when I was younger (middle school) my friends and I wanted to have a way to secretly communicate during class. Obviously, the most logical thing to do in my mind was to…. learn the Phoenician alphabet? (gah…yeahh..I’ve been a nerd for long while). I taught my friends and wrote my notes exclusively in that for a while.

Haha just kidding!
Haha just kidding!

Anyway, back to the point. If you don’t know what these terms are, especially if they are in reference to your own medical care, don’t be afraid to ask! Whether it is me, or your doctor, sometimes it is easy to forget that others are not as versed in this lingo since we’ve been swimming in the language for years and years.

So, if you don’t know ask.


(Here is me asking –>) SOOOO, I have no idea what all of this stuff is, or how it works…SEO, getting my images to show up in the emails that are sent out, plugins…really anything? If you have any tips, I’d love your feedback!

How long did it take the bloggers out there to understand how to do all this stuff?

Have any of you been overwhelmed by jargon?

Is it time for food yet? Yep! Keep reading for the veggie packed bowl you read about earlier.

now go ahead and smother it with salsa...you know I did!
Now go ahead and smother it with salsa. You know I did! (Plus you get extra veggies if you do!)


Veggie Packed Sweet Potato Black Bean Slaw Bowl
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
1 bowl 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 bowl 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Veggie Packed Sweet Potato Black Bean Slaw Bowl
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
1 bowl 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 bowl 10 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Optional Toppings
Servings: bowl
  1. Chop up all of your vegetables (carrot, bell pepper, sweet potato, onions and slaw) and steam them until cooked (option of using microwave)
  2. Once cooked, feel free to add black beans to steamer for a minute to heat them, or heat them via another method
  3. Transfer steamer ingredients to a bowl, and mix in remaining ingredients (garlic, spices)
  4. Top with desired toppings, eat and enjoy
Recipe Notes
  1. Want to add protein? Feel free to add in meat of choice, or scramble up some eggs
  2. Need more fat? Top with avocado and or cheese
  3. Want to go hotter? Add some chipotle peppers, or add hot sauce of choice
  4. Just want it to be a taco? Well then nobody's stopping you! Throw it into a corn tortilla and you'd likely get a couple out of it.
  5. The options are endless!
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Linking up with meatless monday!

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8 thoughts on “Veggie Packed Sweet Potato Black Bean Slaw Bowl

  1. I still don’t understand it, but I think it’s all working. And I have a computers background! LOL – But on to the food. Thanks for sharing at the What’s for Dinner party. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy week!

  2. I made this recipe tonight and I LOVED it! So simple to make yet so healthy and delicious! The mix of avocado and sweet potatoes with a touch of salsa.. YUM I can’t wait to have more!

  3. I love a big bowl of veggies! Thank you for joining us for Meatless Monday! I’ve been blogging for a few years and I still don’t have it down, as far as your SEO question. Things are always changing and sometimes it seems like a game of catch up or adapting to figure things out.

    1. Ugh! Well…Boo. Maybe I’ll just settle for trying to figure it out some and not being able to have it down if you still don’t since you’ve been doing it for so long! Doesn’t bode well for me haha. I appreciate your comment though and I thank you for being honest!

    1. Me too! Thanks for having me. I looked at healthyhelper’s blog and mimicked her linkup. I did the same underneath my recipe to link to both yours and Sarah’s site!

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