Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal

Want a peaches and cream oatmeal that is more filling and doesn’t have all that added sugar that the instant packets do? Then try this clean, protein packed version for your morning breakfast! Swap out the cream cheese for a dairy-free version and make it vegan.

Mmm..Look at that creamy peach deliciousness
Mmm..Look at that creamy peach deliciousness

This recipe is in honor of my mother’s birthday! Her birthday was yesterday and I wish I could have been there to help her celebrate it. Alas, I was on nights…and sleeping during the day and could not get home to see her :(. (On the plus side, when this posts, I’ll have only a few more hours left of ICU nights left!) Nonetheless, mom, this baked oatmeal is for you since I know you have a special love for peaches 😉

Thinking about birthday’s reminds me of mine that wasn’t oh so long ago! Just about a month ago, right before I started ICU I was with my family celebrating my birthday weekend! You know about some of the weekend, but I never shared how I got to spend a glorious day outside enjoying mother nature! I LOVE the outdoors and would much prefer to be outside if possible. So, when my family had asked what I wanted to do, I immediately knew that I had wanted to do something outside which ended up to be hiking! We went to this cool park that had all different levels of hiking trails. I loved being outside and with some of the family!

Birthday Weekend Hike 3/26/16

It was a cooler day, perfect for hiking. The trail led through the woods and up around a mountain. Want to know the best part though? You see all those rocks? Well let’s just say they were perfect for one of my favorite games to play outdoors. Most kids might know it by the name of “Hot Lava”, or “Don’t Touch the Ground” sort of game and I’ve been playing it for years. However, when I was little, Lava= Laba for me haha. Yes, yes, I know I’m easily entertained, but seriously. Hopping from rock to rock was super fun and also a great workout if you want to think about it that way. It’s great for agility and strengthening all of your leg muscles and also your abs since you have to use them to help stabilize you during the jump and landing.

Really though, anything counts for exercise. The goal is to just move! Whether walking, or playing “hot laba” it’s always great to be able to get your move on in the great outdoors if possible! Just make sure to have good footwear!

Ah, I have fond memories of that day. Overall, it was a great hike aside from the part where mom was all like, “OMG, I just heard a bear!” “Ssh! Ssh!” Then, she wouldn’t let us move for a few minutes and tried to get us all nervous while we waited and listened. Good thing it wasn’t dark and/or foggy, or it may have been all like:

Something Just Touched My Tail Scared Cat

My first thoughts were: “Nah, I don’t think that’s a bear, but if it were I’d be out of luck because even though I’m the fittest out of all of us..I’m currently gimp with my ankle…I wonder if my ankle would allow me to climb this here tree though.. and also..we are in the middle of nowhere. Great.”

Dad goes: “Honey, I don’t think that was a bear, but if it were, it’s probably either a black or a grizzly bear. I know one you are suppose to play dead with, and the other you are suppose to run. Hmm… actually…I’m not sure which one is which.”

Me: “You play dead with a grizzly bear, and run if a bear is coming after you… probably not something you want to forget given it’s oh.. super contradictory nature if you want to try and save yourself”.

Then, when we got tired of waiting, we started moving again, but not without mom clacking some sticks around for a little bit. HA! It reminded me of the original parent trap and could not stop laughing.

That was mom at the end of that clip lol. Also, there was no bear. The “growls” ended up being some machinery way in the distance haha, but better to be safe than sorry. Happy birthday mom! I love you mucho mucho más and I hope I get to see you soon!

Do you like to go hiking?

Have you ever had a run in with a bear?

Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal
Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal
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1 baked oatmeal
1 baked oatmeal
Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal
Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal
Print Recipe
1 baked oatmeal
1 baked oatmeal
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease oven-safe bowl
  2. Add all ingredients to a mixing bowl
  3. Add water (or milk of choice) until mixture is watery
  4. Pour into bowl and stick in the oven for ~25 minutes or until cooked.
  5. When done, take out of oven carefully and enjoy!
Recipe Notes

1.Baking time will vary depending on how much psyllium you add and how much liquid you add.

2. Don't forget you can easily calculate more servings by playing around with the number of servings box!

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4 thoughts on “Peaches and Cream Baked Protein Oatmeal

  1. Hey, you know the first thought in all of our minds is who can run faster? Second thought- oh no, we all all family so we need to run at the same pace :-). AND, I did the stick thing to make all of you laugh after the stressful time of figuring out if that was a bear around the bend (and being in a deserted part of the park didn’t help!) Thanks for the birthday wishes!! XXOO

    1. Uhhh huh..I seem to remember you were the one who was the most worried about a bear and dad and I did not think there was one at all, lol. However the whole “deserted park thing” I totally thought about that. I was like….yeahhh..nobody knows were here. Great. I wonder if cell phones work up here?

  2. This looks so good! Also, we have a lot of bears near my house, Occasionally we’ll see one moseying through our back yard (we have a fence, though, so it’s technically behind our yard) or going through our trash. Thankfully, it seems like our dog freaks them out just enough to make them go away, so that’s a plus!

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