Easy chicken bowl to whip on on tight-for-time nights! This is where pre-cooked ready to go meats, veggies, etc are a real time-saver! Make it a single bowl to enjoy for yourself or use the recipe servings calculator below to increase it to as many servings as you need! 

Some like it hot
Some like it hot

I had to take the long drive home this past weekend and my was it a sad day! I miss being at home terribly and I’ll likely spend a few posts talking about the things I did while there. The morning started off quite well actually. My mom has been working on this enormous puzzle for a while. I haven’t taken much part in it, but that morning, I was determined to make some progress on it for her, because you see:

Although, I am very good at doing puzzles. I should add it to my list of skills. It’s strange that I didn’t do more of it because puzzling is something I have loved for a long time, and don’t get to do much of it any more. In fact, my love for puzzles of any sort started when I was just a baby. When I was a toddler I quickly progressed through all of our puzzles and would dump all of the puzzles out together, mix them all up and work on them that way to give myself more of a challenge. My brother wasn’t much of a puzzler as much as I tried, but I managed to get him to assist me in my challenge in other ways. He would drive me “loads” of puzzle pieces on his remote control cars and I would place all the pieces in their respective spots and on it went. Lol. Good memories. Thank goodness we didn’t have pets (well, we had fish occasionally) at the time because it would have been a mess all like:

(How do I know that? I know this because our two little puppies did this during all of our game playing that occurred on the floor while home. They walked right through game boards, laid on them or knocked over all the pieces haha. Oh well. They are so cute and easy to forgive.)

Anyway, so that morning, I sat down with my dad (yep still convincing people to help me with puzzles whenever I get the chance) and my coffee and got to work. We made some huge progress! It was awesome and there were lots of high-fives. (Slightly pathetic maybe, but I was very excited about the whole thing. Remember, I am still very much a child hehe, remember my Easter post?) I’m still a bit sad that I had to stop. I should have worked on it throughout the week when I got the chance, but there were so many fun things to do and games to play while at home!

Then, my mom and sister had to leave and I decided that I ought to finish packing up and get going myself. Sad. Even worse? IT STARTED TO SNOW RIGHT BEFORE I LEFT?!??!?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IT’S THE MIDDLE OF MAY?!

(Ok, I’ll admit, I wrote April when I first was writing this out, wow I was way off hahaha, unacceptably off.) Alright, I’ll have to make this a part series because I’m now sad about the puzzle, and the snow and the drive just got a bit crazy so I’ll tell you about all that in a later post. Meanwhile, enjoy this yummy recipe I have put together for you!

Do you love puzzles?

Are you still getting snow where you live?

Hot Chicken Slaw Potato Bowl
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Hot Chicken Slaw Potato Bowl
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Optional Topping
  1. Throw all ingredients into a bowl, mix, microwave, eat and enjoy! Top with hot sauce if desired.
Recipe Notes
  1. The quick way to cook a potato is to wash it, stab it all over with a fork and stick it in the microwave for about 4-5 minutes or until soft.
  2. Alternatively, you can cube the potato, dice some onion and place the pieces along with the slaw mix into a steamer basket in a pot to steam until soft (or throw the veggies into the microwave with a bit of water, cook for a few minutes, drain water and mix in other ingredients)
  3. Leave out or substitute the meats to make it vegetarian.
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4 thoughts on “Hot Chicken Slaw Potato Bowl

  1. I love puzzles! Usually we have on the dinning room table all winter long. I can’t believe you just got snow! We haven’t had any here in a while but anything is possible in New England. LOL I love the idea of using coleslaw as a base and adding chicken and other veggies. The hot sauce and bacon are great additions to amp of the flavor – delicious!

    1. What you’re in New England and didn’t get snow meanwhile PA did! Crazy. Haha. I’m a fan using coleslaw as a base for many reasons. 1. Lots of extra veggies and fiber 2. Lots more for me to eat! I’m all about volume. I like to feel like I’m eating huge quantities of food haha. It’s much more satisfying. Hot sauce is a serious love of mine and often try to find ways to use it.

  2. This recipe sounds so easy and delicious! And I love that you made it one portion (I tend to overcook, and the husband does not do leftovers). Thank you for sharing on #LinkLove!

    1. It is so easy which is great! I am always finding recipes that are make for lots of people and have to cut down on them so I thought I would make mine more of the opposite. Don’t forget you can adjust the amount of servings for each of my recipes by clicking on the #of servings box and putting in the number you want and it does the math for you!

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