No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Cheesecake [LC, Grain-free, GF] Sliced...And A Dash of Cinnamon

Here’s a tasty no-bake 4 ingredient only healthy cheesecake! This can be a single serving cheesecake that is easily multiplied to serve as many individual cheesecakes as you like! This cheesecake is high in protein, low carb, clean, grain-free, diabetic friendly, gluten-free and no bake to boot. Cool down with this frozen, creamy small bite treat today!

No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Cheesecake [LC, Grain-free, GF] Sliced...And A Dash of Cinnamon


Here is the June theme for our Recipe Redux posts!

In honor of our 6th birthday, we’re celebrating with cake…or another small bite dessert that fits your fancy. Show us your healthy small bite dessert creation.

So, for starters, I must say Happy Birthday to the Recipe Redux group! What better way to celebrate than with a bit of dessert (make it a healthy dessert at that! Even better!)

I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to give you another no-bake protein cheesecake recipe! It’s been a very long time since I shared one with you, but man are these babies tasty. You can have the entire cheesecake and feel great about it too!

There will be none of this even if you eat the whole thing!

This easy recipe is based off of my original no bake chocolate cheesecake recipe. That post gives you a step by step picture guide if you want to follow along that way. The link for that post is here.

After you are done freezing your cheesecake, you can cut it up into bite sized pieces as above, or you can leave it whole and enjoy that way as below!

No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Cheesecake [LC, Grain-free, GF] Whole...And A Dash of Cinnamon
Cheesecake that has just been popped out of the ramekin!
This dessert is super creamy and super versatile. If you are interested in some of the other ones I have posted. Feel free to check them out with the links below!

If you are interested in other small bite healthy desserts, click on the recipe redux button below to see what my fellow reduxers have come up with! Enjoy!

No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Cheesecake [LC, Grain-free, GF]

Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 47 minutes
Servings 1 cheesecake
Author AZ@...And A Dash of Cinnamon


  • 3/4 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • few dashes cinnamon
  • 1/2-1 T chocolate chips


  1. Add all ingredients to a food processor except for the chocolate chips and process until smooth

  2. Fold in the chocolate chips

  3. If you want it to be a stand alone as pictured, use a greased ramekin or dish of choice depending on number of servings you are hoping to make. (If you want to leave it in the dish, then no greasing is needed). Use a spatula to place mixture into dish of choice.

  4. Pop in the freezer for ~45 minutes (It should be firm to the touch, but not solid)

  5. If want stand alone, use a knife along the edges and flip over onto serving plate, cut if desired. If not, just serve from the dish and enjoy!

Recipe Notes

If you forget about it in the freezer, don't worry! Just take it out and place in the fridge to thaw out a bit.

*Too soft, don't worry about that either! Just stick back in the freezer for a little bit. It's a very forgiving recipe.

I honestly usually just stick my food processor bowl and lid (without the blade) into the freezer and eat it straight from there. Less to do and less to clean. But, if you are looking to serve these, then feel free to place them in ramekins and pop them out like I have here!

I link up with Deborah and Sarah’s, and  the fit foodie mama’s Meatless Monday, #recipeoftheweek,Homestead Blog Hop, glutenfreefridays,  #healthyveganfridays,  What’s for Dinner, Sunday Fitness and FoodGraciousPantryKriska Marie

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23 thoughts on “No Bake Chocolate Chip Protein Cheesecake [LC,Grain-free, GF]

  1. Ah this looks so good. I used to make “cheesecake” things with cottage cheese ALL the time and it was amazing until I learned I had to give up dairy. Sad life! I will have to try one of those vegan cashew-based cheesecakes now which look way more labor-intensive than this.

    1. Oh no! Honestly though I’ve been wanted to try out those cashew-based cheesecakes as well (because I am mostly lactose intolerant myself…..) but I’m right there with you on the labor-intensive thing. SO perhaps one day. HOWEVER, they apparently have lactose free cottage cheese. Not sure why you had to give up dairy, but if you love it perhaps you could try that version?

  2. Thanks so much for making so many awesome recipes with protein powder! You’re helping me to use up my stockpiles! ;P I’ll have to go get some cottage cheese so I can try making this! :]

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