Choconana Protein Smoothie with Toasted Coconut and Basal Cell Carcinoma
Servings Prep Time
1smoothie 2minutes
Servings Prep Time
1smoothie 2minutes
  1. Toast your coconut if you don’t already have some on hand*
  2. Add a bit of your liquid to coat the bottom of your blender
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients (ice if using) and top with remaining liquid.
  4. Blend until smooth
  5. Top with toasted coconut! Eat and enjoy
Recipe Notes

*I toast my coconut with a sandwich maker. Alternatively you could toast it in the oven at 350 for only a few minutes. Keep a close eye on it. Often it is done as soon as you start to smell it, so either keep a close eye, or a vigilant nose 🙂

-Ice and liquid depend on your thickness preference. The psyllium (while not mandatory) thickens the smoothie quite a bit on it’s own. It also is a bomb source of fiber. (If you aren’t used to it, start small ~1t and work your way up. Be sure to drink plenty of liquid).